Cartridge Filters

This is a great example of the power of the AWC membrane cleaners. This membrane was removed from a ground water treatment plant and expected to be disposed of. Our analysis showed it caked in a thick layer of biological fouling as well as aluminium, calcium (most likely calcium phosphate), iron, silica. Basically a bit of everything.

The AWC C-227 caustic cleaner which is our most powerful caustic cleaner broke down the biofouling and dispersed some of the insoluble inorganics present. This left a slight iron residue on the surface that the C-217 iron cleaning reagent then removed.

The result is a perfectly clean membrane that was as close to new as you can get.

Do you have a technology you need to bring to market? or need support piloting a new treatment process. Contact us today to discuss how we can help make this a reality.

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